
IMAJINE Regional Database of COVID-19 Cases in Europe

This database contains data on COVID-19 cases recorded by NUTS 2 region in European countries for each month from January 2020 to March 2022. Data has been collected from relevant national COVID-19 dashboards or statistical reports on the first day of each month. Contextual data relating to territorial inequalities from Eurostat and other sources, including the IMAJINE local area indicators dataset, is included for analytical purposes. The database is shared under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC license for non-commercial use with attribution.

COVID-19 Database

Framing Territorial Demands Dataset

The Framing Territorial Demands (FraTerr) dataset provides new data on the territorial demands and framing strategies of regionalist actors for the period 1990-2018, collected in IMAJINE Work Package 7. The dataset includes 39 regionalist parties and coalitions, 14 civil society organisations and coalitions and 8 coalitions of parties and civil society actors in twelve regions across eight European countries: Scotland and Wales (UK); Catalonia and Galicia (Spain); Corsica (France); Bavaria (Germany); Aosta Valley, Northern Italy and Sardinia (Italy); Friesland (Netherlands); Kashubia (Poland); and the Hungarian minority/the Szeklerland (Romania). Detailed information on the political documents selected and coded are provided in the coding manual, which also details the original coding scheme on which the FraTerr dataset is based; this is available on request. The dataset was compiled on the basis of a qualitative content analysis of the selected documents with computer assisted manual coding, using the software MAXQDA. The dataset consists of two distict databases: – The FraTerr_segments dataset contains a total of 32,393 coded quasi-sentences from 581 documents of 61 regionalist actors across Europe. – The Fra-Terr_documents dataset aggregates the data from the FraTerr_segments dataset to the level of documents. It provides, therefore, the number of quasi-sentences coded in each document with the coding variables derived from the FraTerr coding scheme (see coding manual). For each dataset, a codebook is provided, as well as the dataset in Excel, Stata and R.

Framing Territorial Demands Dataverse (harvard.edu)

Dataset of Local Indicators of Territorial Inequalities

This dataset has been created by IMAJINE to provide local-scale data for key indicators of territorial inequalities including average household income and the proportion of the population at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE). In many European countries these data are normally only available for a higher regional scale. The data in the dataset has been produced by using spatial disaggregation techniques to estimate the values for smaller areas based on other socio-economic characteristics. The methodology is described in Deliverable 2.4. This work was led by Ana Vinuela at the Universidad de Oviedo with contributions by Aberystwyth University and the Universita degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieta-Pescara.

Explanation Local Data














United Kingdom

IMAJINE roll-up

IMAJINE roll-up