Workshop on “Questionnaire design”

For the next two days, the IMAJINE researchers will participate in the workshop organized by Linda Basile and Pierangelo Isernia from the University of Siena titled “Questionnaire design”.

This workshop is organized within the project’s work package nr 4 “Experimental Survey on Solidarity and Territorial Cohesion”, which deals with design, implement and analyse an online experimental survey to explore public attitudes towards regional autonomy, territorial cohesion, solidarity and mobility in France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and the UK.

Therefore, the workshop topics will be discussed among IMAJINE partners from the above-mentioned countries, and give them an overview of issues such as are:

  • the overall design of the questionnaire, main concepts, underlying hypotheses, connection with other work packages, and use of experiments;
  • measures of perceptions of Territorial inequalities, discussion and proposals for experiments;
  • measures of support for Territorial cohesion with a Spatial Justice approach, discussion and proposals for experiments;
  • measures of support for Territorial cohesion with a Spatial Justice approach, discussion and proposals for experiments;
  • measures of support for territorial autonomy congruence with WP7, discussion and proposals for experiments;
  • measures of perceptions of migrants – destination places and emigrants, congruence with WP5, discussion and proposals for experiments;
  • measures of perceptions of migrants – origin places and emigrants, congruence with WP5, discussion and proposals for experiments;
  • examples of experiments on solidarity and design of experiments for WP4 Survey

In the end, a discussion on hypotheses to be tested with the survey and possible Independent variables to be included in the questionnaire will take place.