IMAJINE researchers discussed concepts of spatial justice, territorial inequality and social cohesion at the 13th ESA conference in Athens


The 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) under the title “(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities” was organized in Athens, Greece between 29th of August and 1st of September 2017.

The IMAJINE researchers Apostolos G. Papadopoulos and Loukia – Maria Fratsea from the Athen’s Harokopio University presented a paper entitled:”Mobility and Social Justice: Theorizing migrant/refugee mobilities in crisis-stricken Greece”. The paper attempted to provide a bridge and link between the various facets of mobility (i.e. international migration/ internal migration/ refugee migration) with the concepts of territorial inequality and spatial justice. The aim of the paper was to discuss the concept of spatial justice in view of the recent migration/ refugee flows towards Europe and to touch upon the challenges posed in the design and implementation of migration policy in Europe.