Estimations of population at risk of poverty and exclusion (AROPE) at municipal level for Spain

WP2 IMAJINE press-release

In the second half of June 2018, the WP2 team from the Oviedo University (UNIOVI) presented estimations of a population at risk of poverty and exclusion (AROPE) at the municipal level for Spain to the general public. Results received lots of attention from the media (regional newspapers, TV, and radio).

More can be found on following links:

  • report on the REGIOlab web page:
  • news on TV:,-a-la-cabeza-de-la-region-en-riesgo-de-pobreza_111529325809.html
  • radio interview:

For the articles in the newspapers, see the attached PDF document.

IMAJINE Observatorio REGIOlab, press