The 16th EU-REAL Workshop took place at the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Department of Economics in Pescara, Italy, at the beginning of September 2019.
IMAJINE researchers from three universities (Ud’A, UNIOVI, AU) took part in this event. The presentations linked to the IMAJINE project took part in the following Sessions of the 16th EU-REAL Workshop:
- Inequality and poverty
- Urban and regional economics
- Applications III

The Ud’A member organized the event and participated in the session with two presentations. The first one introduces a spatial measure of the concentration of economic activity to support the role of geographical location in spatial aggregation. The second proposes a composite indicator of socioeconomic deprivation at the municipality level in Italy, highlighting the importance of low spatial scale analysis.
The UNIOVI partner proposed two studies. On the one hand, the first paper stresses the role of spatial disaggregation as a relevant tool to provide data at lowers geographical dimensions. On the other hand, in the second study a further consideration of the phenomenon of sprawl.
The AU member contributed to the last session with a very interesting study on how poverty rates help to explain disability benefit roll patterns.

More information on this event find here.