IMAJINE discussed at the XI World Conference of the Spatial Econometrics Association in Singapore

Singapore IMAJINE

The 11th World Conference of the Spatial Econometrics Association (SEA) held between June 13th and 15th 2017 in Singapore had the objective to bring together econometricians, statisticians, economists, regional scientists and geographers to present and discuss their recent achievements in spatial econometric theories and applications, in connection with the analysis of externalities, spillovers, interactions, peer effects, network effects, etc.

The presentation related to IMAJINE project was presented by researchers from Universita degli studi G.D’Annunzio Chieti Pescara (Ud’A). The paper was presented in a session entitled “Regional growth and economic development”. The Conference was planned to collect feedbacks about our applications. Generally, the audience appreciated the nature of the application to the aims of the project. The conference was relevant to the main purposes of the project and targets of WP3, particularly for revealing possible sources of heterogeneity in convergence process and economic growth. Key issues connected to the aim of the main project were discussed in the main social event of the conference and to the attention of many experts in the field.

The conference provided feedbacks to the preliminary works of WP3 and promoted activities and results linked to other Partners. Additionally, other sessions of the Conference discussed themes related to the key issues of WP3, as accurate estimation of spatial models for growth and economic convergence.