IMAJINE for PhD students – Seminar of New Academic Researchers in Oviedo

snar imajine

The University of Oviedo, Regional Economics Laboratory – REGIOlab (UNIOVI) has organized the first edition of the Seminar of New Academic Researchers (SNAR) in Oviedo, Spain on 11th of September 2017. The SNAR is a new idea promoted by the REGIOlab – it is a research event with new researchers and PhD students. The IMAJINE WP2 team from UNIOVI Esteban Fernández Vázquez, Fernando Rubiera Morollón and Alberto Díaz Dapena facilitated a specific forum for new academic researchers to orientate their future research projects. In this context the objectives and possibilities open by the new data that will be generated in WP2 of IMAJINE is presented and potential research projects and PhD dissertations with this information discussed.