The IMAJINE workshop “Territorial Cohesion: Between Realism and Utopianism” is taking place in Athens

20180918 Athens Harokopio University IMAJINE

The IMAJINE Athens Workshop: “Territorial Cohesion: Between Realism and Utopianism” organized by the University of Helsinki and Harokopio University is taking place in Athens, Greece at the premises of Harokopio University. This two – day event (17th and 18th September 2018) aims at presenting the results of the WP1 “Conceptual and Policy Review” of the IMAJINE project and preliminary and conceptual work carried out under various WPs. During the second day of the workshop the contemporary policies related to territorial inequalities, their political implications and lessons learnt from other projects are discussed.

20180918 Athens 01 IMAJINE

Final program of the workshop you may find here:

20180918 IMAJINE_Athens_Workshop_Final Programme